Here is a list of current projectz being managed by Culture & Tech Strategies
Arique Furia Aguilar - Culture & Tech Stragetist
Apply to take part in the decision making table of the Spoke Community. A space where small organizations meet to prioritize feature requests, bug fixes, and contribution updates to the open-source produce Spoke.
An organizing methodology meant to challenge inherent white-supremacy of the Saul Alinsky Organizing Model.
Developed by Arique in 2016 as a way to combat organizer-fatigue by presenting various models that allowed transwomxn, ciswomxn, femmes, gender nonbinary and nonconforming folks of color to be radically welcomed in an organization.
Arique has transitioned out of direct leadership in this project and into providing Study Hallz to allow more folks to grow and understand the soul of this methodology and translating it into the tech-realm.
Michaela Lovegood is the visionary Executive Director of the Political Healers Project
It’s time we leverage our ancestral wisdom
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